Locate your vehicle

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The "Monitoring" module is used to locate, view and track your vehicles. Here you can detect the position of your vehicles, watch its movement on the map and observe the dynamic change of various parameters of the vehicle.

The "Monitoring" module has two parts:

  1. The Work List

  2. The Map

First, let us locate your vehicle.

When you log in, the "Work List", which is the left panel on the screen, will show a list of all your vehicles. If it doesn't show all your vehicles, click this icon on the top of the "Work List". This button is used to display all your vehicles in the "Work List".

Check the check box on the left of the vehicle you wish to locate on the map, to display the vehicle on the map.

An icon representing the vehicle will now be visible on the map with its name below it.

You can now zoom in the map to view the location more closely.

You may change the type of map to hybrid to get a clearer idea of the vehicle location and terrain by selecting the map type by clicking this icon on the bottom panel.

Different maps give different types of details and you may select the map as per your requirement as given below:

The motion state icon in the work list, shows the status of the vehicle as follows:

The quick track icon when clicked, will show the path of movement of the vehicle on the map for the current day.

Learn more about "Tracks"

Next: More vehicle information